Revealing the winners of Collection 25! Click here to see the full Collection

Top 10 UK Photographers of 2023

Welcome to our Top 10 Photographers in the UK 2023! Congratulations to the photographers who made this list, and special mention to The Wild Child Photographer for becoming our UK Photographer of the Year (you can see one of her Awards above), and Francesca Codispoti & Petr Dvorsky, who both tie as UK Storyteller of the Year.

You can also view our Top 100 Photographers Worldwide, our Top 10 Storytellers in the World, and we also have Top 10 rankings for the following countries: Belgium, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, UK, and the USA.

*Ranking is determined by overall number of Awards won in 2023; in the case of a tie, the photographer who won the most Family Story Awards ranks higher.

No poses; nothing staged – This is Reportage: Family

#1. The Wild Child Photographer

7 Awards in 2023

(7 Reportage Family Awards)


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#2. Anna Mehta

4 Awards in 2023

(4 Reportage Family Awards)


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#3. Francesca Codispoti

3 Awards in 2023

(1 Reportage Family Award & 2 Family Story Awards)


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#4. Agata Szymanowicz

3 Awards in 2023

(2 Reportage Family Awards & 1 Family Story Award)


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#5. Sharron Gibson

3 Awards in 2023

(3 Reportage Family Awards)


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#6. Petr Dvorsky

2 Awards in 2023

(2 Family Story Awards)


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#7. Alice Chapman

2 Awards in 2023

(1 Reportage Family Award & 1 Family Story Award)


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=#8. Erin Byrne

2 Awards in 2023

(2 Reportage Family Awards)


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=#8. Michaela Strivens

2 Awards in 2023

(2 Reportage Family Awards)


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=#10. Alex Benyon

1 Award in 2023

(1 Reportage Family Award)


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=#10. Anja Poehlmann

1 Award in 2023

(1 Reportage Family Award)


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=#10. Barry Robb

1 Award in 2023

(1 Reportage Family Award)


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=#10. Fiona Russell

1 Award in 2023

(1 Reportage Family Award)


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=#10. Irma Arrowsmith

1 Award in 2023

(1 Reportage Family Award)


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=#10. Nic Shuttleworth

1 Award in 2023

(1 Reportage Family Award)


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=#10. Saskia Albers

1 Award in 2023

(1 Reportage Family Award)


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=#10. Rebecca Thompson

1 Award in 2023

(1 Reportage Family Award)


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Family photography


family photography

family photography

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