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Myrthe van Boon


I'm Myrthe, I'm originally from The Netherlands, and I’m now living in Sweden. We've lived in different countries as a family and I love going on family adventures.

I always loved photography and have done so from an early age. But I really fell in love capturing everything when my daughters where born. All the normal milestones, but also the connections with us, each other and the grandparents. Their different personalities, and even the messiness, the angry faces or the sadness. Because I had health problems I missed often family time. That made me fall in love with ‘normal family life’ which was not normal for me at all, but very precious if I could participate.

When I finally got better I knew what I wanted to do, show other families how special their normal life is! I love capturing their family uniqueness and share it with them. Especially all those small little moments that go by within seconds, but are so meaningful. And yes, also sometimes an angry face ;-)

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Family photography


family photography

family photography

family photography

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