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Cahleen Hudson


I am a documentary family photographer based in Taipei, Taiwan, and I capture the beauty in our everyday rituals. Originally from the Los Angeles area, I’ve been living in Taiwan for almost two decades. Some facts about me:

*I homeschool my two kids.
*I love books, coffee, and podcasts.
*I like to make up embarrassing yet endearing nicknames for my children.
*I think it’s fun and totally normal to “sing-speak” around the house.
*I always have a camera with me.

Why do I always carry a camera with me? Because I love the way my lens makes me look at my own life. The light on the curve of my son’s cheek, the gigantic open-mouthed laugh from my friend, the tears that come when the ice cream cone falls—these are moments that tell a story and they’re a work of art. I photograph it all.

I believe that this is the gift that photography gives us: the story and the memories of who we truly are. I am a person who loves life yet is constantly aware of how fast it moves (maybe that’s why I love it so?), and this is why I’m a photographer. I truly believe that capturing every little juicy bit of life—in its most authentic, candid form—is one of the most important things I can do. And I’ll always be grateful for the story my photographs will share with future generations about who we are and how we love one another.

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Family photography


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family photography

family photography

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