Revealing the winners of our first Collection of 2025! Click here to see the full Collection

Family Photography Blog

Welcome to the family photography blog from This is Reportage: Family! This is the area of the site where we'll be bringing you all our latest features; a veritable treasure-trove of documentary family photography goodness! Check back regularly for new features.

Collection Four Judges

Honoured to reveal our judges for our first Collection of 2021! Thanks so much to the fantastic (clockwise, from top-left) Orsolya Boncser (Hungary), Jess Haverkamp (Germany), Minna Ridderstolpe (Sweden), Andrew Billington (UK) and Citlalli Rico (Mexico).

It is a brand new Awards year here at This is Reportage: Family, and the submission deadline is just a couple of days away now: Submit by 23:59 GMT on 24th January 2021. Members receive 60 Reportage Family Award entries (for individual images) and 18 Family Story Award entries per year (for a series of 15 – 20 images of a single family), all included in our membership fee.

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Photographer of the Year 2020: Rowena Meadows

It’s an honour to announce our overall Photographer of the Year 2020: The brilliant Rowena Meadows! With an incredible 14 Awards won from us in total (10 Reportage Family Awards and 4 Family Story Awards) – which is even more remarkable considering the fact that we only launched half-way through 2020, and so have had half the number of Awards Collections that we would normally have in a year – Rowena led from our very first Collection and never looked back.

It is incredibly tough to win a single Award from us, with our five judges (who change for each round) typically picking just the top few percent from the thousands of submissions we receive – so to win 14 is a remarkable feat. Many congratulations to Rowena for becoming our very first Photographer of the Year, and for thus being number one on our Top 100 Photographers Worldwide of 2020 list.

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Storyteller of the Year 2020: Pedro Vilela, Katrin Küllenberg, Menino Conhece Menina & Rowena Meadows

So excited to reveal our Storyteller of the Year 2020… and it’s a four-way tie between the brilliant Pedro Vilela, Katrin Küllenberg, Menino Conhece Menina & Rowena Meadows! All four of these exceptional photographers won four Family Story Awards each, which is an incredible feat, as it’s incredibly difficult to win just one!

To win a Family Story Award – which is for a series of 15 – 20 images of a single family – a photographer must show world-class creativity, storytelling and consistency. Our judges typically award just the top few percent of submissions, so winning a Story is difficult enough in its own right – to win four Family Story Awards in a single year (and only a half-year, at that, as This is Reportage: Family only launched half-way through 2020) is truly remarkable.

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Collection Three Judges

Very excited to reveal our five judges for our final Collection of 2020! Who will be in our Top Photographers of the year list…? Who will be our overall Photographer of the Year? We’re honoured that the following world-class photographers will be judging for us this round (clockwise, from top-left): Bex Maini (UK), Soven Amatya (UK), Andrzej Witek (Spain), Nikhol Esteras (Mexico) and Sophie Callewaert (Belgium).

The deadline is just a few days away now: Submit by 23:59 GMT on 23rd November 2020. Not a member yet? Join us to submit.

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How To Make Your Story Submissions Even Stronger by Antonina Mamzenko (Collection 2 Judge)

Delighted to have one of our judges from our previous Awards round – the fantastic Antonina Mamzenko – offer her thoughts and tips on how to make your Family Story submissions even stronger. Thanks so much, Antonina!

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family photography

Family photography


family photography

family photography

family photography

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