Revealing the winners of our first Collection of 2025! Click here to see the full Collection


Photographer of the Year 2024: Hollie Mateer

Very excited to announce our 2024 Photographer of the Year: Hollie Mateer! Hollie – also known as The Wild Child Photographer – won an incredible haul of 14 Awards from us this year (10 Reportage Family Awards & 4 Family Story Awards) and sits on top of our just-announced Top 100 Photographers in the World 2024 list.

Incredibly, Hollie has also just won our Photographer of the Year title on our sister-site for documentary wedding photography – where she became the very first photographer to ever win the title twice (and twice in a row, as well!). Absolutely incredible; to be concurrent POTY of both This is Reportage: Family & This is Reportage; a feat we will very unlikely see again.

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Storyteller of the Year 2024: Anna Meyer-Kahlen

Honoured to reveal our Storyteller of the Year 2024: Anna Meyer-Kahlen! With 6 Family Story Awards won, Anna sits on top of our just-announced Top 20 Storytellers in the World 2024 list. Congrats, Anna!

To win a Family Story Award – which is for a series of 15 – 20 images of a single family – a photographer must show world-class creativity, storytelling and consistency. Our judges typically award just the top few percent of submissions, so winning a Story is difficult enough in its own right – to win 6 Family Story Awards in a single year is truly remarkable.

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Photographer of the Year 2023: Marisa Martins

Excited to announce our 2023 Photographer of the Year: Marisa Martins! With an incredible haul of 13 Awards won in the year (8 Reportage Family Awards & 5 Family Story Awards), Marisa sits on top of our just-announced Top 100 Photographers in the World 2023 list. Congratulations, Marisa!

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Storyteller of the Year 2023: Els Korsten

Honoured to reveal our Storyteller of the Year 2023: Els Korsten! It is amazing enough to ever win this title, but even more incredible is the fact that Els has now won this for the 2nd year in a row; truly remarkable. With 6 Family Story Awards won, Els sits on top of our just-announced Top 10 Storytellers in the World 2023 list. Congrats, Els!

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TiR:F & TiR Christmas Party 2022!

Phew, we’ve just come back from London – where we had our TiR:F & TiR Christmas Party (on a boat on the Thames, no less!) – and we had an amazing time! So fantastic to meet up with photographers from all over Europe (including from all over the UK, France, Germany, and the Netherlands (two people from Holland even had their flight cancelled on the morning, but came over on the train anyway – can’t beat that kind of dedication!) and to dance the night away with them.

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family photography

Family photography


family photography

family photography

family photography

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