Our Judging Process
It’s vital that we have a fair, totally transparent judging process, which is applicable to both our Reportage Family Awards and our Family Story Awards. This is how our judging process works:
- Every single image and story entered into the contests will be assesed by the judges.
- Images are judged totally anonymously, so the judges don’t know who has taken each image.
- When the majority of our judges deem an image or story to be award-worthy, only then do they become Awards.
- There will always be at least 3 judges for each competition, though we aim for 5 judges.
- A judge can not see if another judge has voted for an image or not, so can’t be swayed that way.
- Each competition will have different judges, ensuring it is not always the same opinions/tastes giving awards.
- The owner of the site will never be a judge, except in exceptional circumstances (such as a judge becoming sick, or unable to do their judging for some reason, and there is no time left to seek another judge).