We're now in Judging week: Winners of Collection 29 to be announced soon...

Thanks for checking out the This is Reportage: Family photography podcast! Our podcast originally began with a wedding-focus (because it was started back in November 2019 over on our sister-site, This is Reportage – This is Reportage: Family only launched recently, in mid-2020) but going forward the podcast will be featuring both family photographers and wedding photographers. Some episodes will be exclusively to do with family photography, others will be with wedding photographers, and other episodes we’ll be talking to people who do both.

No matter which episode you tune into, though, the core theme remains the same: Our podcast is just as much – if not more so – about the *people*; their stories, their life experiences, what makes them tick, as much as it is about photography. So whether you’re into families or weddings, we hope you’ll enjoy tuning in (and the tips and advice each photographer shares is also – in the vast majority of cases – easily transferable and valid between the two photography disciplines.)

That being said, we’re going to feature the episodes that specifically have a lot to do with family photography on this page; so check out the episodes below if you want to hear more specifically family-orientated podcast episodes. We’re also doing that so that we don’t just repeat everything here that’s on our Podcast page over on This is Reportage; if you want to hear every single episode (including our wedding-focused ones), then head over here.

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this is reportage podcast - this is Bobbi Barbarich

#140. This is Bobbi Barbarich

July 9th 2024

Sorry the Podcast has been away for a while, but we’re back now, and so happy that the fab Bobbi Barbarich is my first guest for a while. Bobbi is a brilliant documentary photographer – shooting both families and weddings – and we talk about both arts on the episode, including her tips for beating procrastination, why shooting close and intimately with her families brings the best results, how she injured herself on a recent family shoot, why it’s important to focus on how far you’ve come, hosting her own Podcast and teaching fellow photographers, and so much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is hollie mateer

#138. This is Hollie Mateer

February 15th 2024

I speak to the wonderful Hollie Mateer this week, our UK #1 Photographer here on This is Reportage: Family for 2023. Hollie shares *so* much, including how she captured one of her specific Reportage Family Awards, how she got into documenting families, our Netflix synopsis game, how family clients can become wedding clients too (and not just the other way around), and so much more. Hollie was also our Overall Photographer of the Year on our sister-site for wedding photography, This is Reportage, so Hollie also chats all things weddings too.


this is reportage podcast - this is gaby ermstrang

#134. This is Gaby Ermstrang

October 6th 2023

The fab Gaby Ermstrang adorns our airwaves this week – one of Holland’s very best documentary family photographers. Winner of 12 Awards from us, here at This is Reportage: Family, Gaby has also been in our Top 100 Family Photographers Worldwide for the past two years in a row. She talks about lots of different things on the episode, including her approach to funeral photography (and why it’s so important to capture), how she got her ‘pink flamingo’ Reportage Family Award, tips for if you’re just getting into documentary family photography, and so much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is kate crittenden

#131. This is Kate Crittenden

August 9th 2023

The wonderful Kate Crittenden is my guest on the Podcast this week; one of Australia’s best documentary family photographers. She was in our Top 100 documentary family photographers worldwide for 2022, and she talks about one of her specific awards on the episode today, as well as lots more things, including getting comfortable in other people’s homes, why she often sleeps over the night before Day in the Life sessions, tips for using social media and reels, why I love her website so much, and lots more family photography gold.


this is reportage podcast - this is aga maru of pic-time

#128. This is Aga Maru of Pic-Time

April 12th 2023

Find out how to make the most of Pic-Time’s many features by listening to the fab Aga Maru on the Podcast this week! Aga shares so much advice here, including how to use Pic-Time’s sale automations, how to implement their slideshows to increase your gallery views, and info on their brand new Blogging feature – enabling you to quickly create great-looking blogs with in-built SEO with ease. Use the code THISISREPORTAGE for 1 bonus month of Pic-Time when upgrading to any paid plan.


this is reportage podcast - this is moira la plante

#126. This is Moira La Plante

March 9th 2023

The brilliant Moira La Plante is my guest this week! Recently ranking 2nd in the USA here on TiR:F for 2022 (and 13th in the world), Moira is also one half of our sister-site, This is Reportage’s, overall Photographers of the Year for 2022. We talk all things family photography today, as Moira shares how she captured one of her Reportage Family Awards, why it’s important for her to build strong connections with her families, her focal length of choice, our Netflix synopsis game, business advice, and more…


this is reportage podcast - this is francesca codispoti

#124. This is Francesca Codispoti

February 10th 2023

The brilliant Francesca Codispoti features on the podcast this week, as we release our first family-focused episode of 2023! Originally from Italy, Francesca has been living in London for the past couple of decades, and talks all about her discovery of the documentary family photography genre, growing up with a make-shift dark room, why it’s not always great to shoot wide-open, the business side of our craft, home renovations, photographing another photographer’s family (and winning a Family Story Award with it!), and much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is theo manusaride

#121. This is Theo Manusaride

November 3rd 2022

It was so great to talk to one of the Netherland’s very best documentary photographers, Theo Manusaride, this week! Theo talks about both family and wedding photography in this episode, as she does both expertly, and has won lots of Awards from both our family and wedding websites. As well as telling us how she captured a couple of those awards, she talks about photographing her close friend’s childbirth, why being in the moment is so important, work/life balance, moving her business from Romania to Holland, and much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is kirsten lewis

#119. This is Kirsten Lewis

September 29th 2022

Every family photographer knows about Kirsten Lewis – someone who has inspired countless photographers to get into documentary family photography, and the photographer who most people think about when the genre is even mentioned. And so it’s a real honour to have her on the Podcast this week, with an extra-long episode as I also ask her questions put forward by the TiR:F community. Topics include how she got her first Creative Live class, the impact (both highs and lows) that had on her, co-founding the DFAs, how she captured some of her own awards, client expectations, and so much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is rebecca walters

#117. This is Rebecca Walters

August 18th 2022

The brilliant Rebecca Walters is my guest on the Podcast this week! Winner of two Family Story Awards in a single collection, Rebecca talks about the stories behind both of those, how she captured one of her individual awards, her journey from photography degree to professional, 12-hour family shoots, tips on getting to know your families beforehand (and why that can influence the moments you capture), the importance of investing in yourself, and much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is jennifer schaufelin

#115. This is Jennifer Schäufelin

July 21st 2022

We’ve had a little break, but I’m very pleased to announce the Podcast is back, and thrilled to be chatting to one of the best documentary family photographers in the world, the great Jennifer Schäufelin! The German Storyteller of the Year for 2021, Jennifer shares her thoughts and tips on submitting to our Story Awards, how she is finding transitioning from employment to full-time photographer, birth photography, Instagram Reels, our Netflix synopsis game, how she captured a couple of her individual awards, and more….


this is reportage podcast - this is Marieke Zentjens

#112. This is Marieke Zentjens

April 21st 2022

The awesome Marieke Zentjens is my guest on the podcast this week, and she shares so much! Winner of 7 Reportage Family Awards, Marieke tells us exactly how she captured one of her award-winning images, shares lots of tips to improve your documentary family work, her thoughts on why shorter sessions and DITL sessions are both as important to capture, shares some funny shooting stories, and lots more…


this is reportage podcast - this is Nina Trillenberg

#110. This is Nina Trillenberg

April 4th 2022

In our Top 30 Family Photographers Worldwide for 2021, it was so fab to talk to the very talented Nina Trillenberg for the Podcast this week! Nina tells us all about her family’s move from Germany to China, how she captured one of her specific Reportage Family Awards, why the documentary family photography is so great, our Netflix synopsis game, behind the scenes of two of her Family Story Awards, and much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is Franziska Nauck

#108. This is Franziska Nauck

March 17th 2022

Loved talking to the fantastic Franziska Nauck for our 108th Podcast episode! Based in Germany, Franziska was recently in our Top 100 Family Photographers Worldwide for 2021, and she talks about one her specific Family Story Awards on the episode today (a brilliant birth story), and so much more, including: Top tips for improving your documentary family photography, why a burnout ended up having such a positive effect on her life, why multi-tasking eludes her (me too!), and *so* much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is Christophe De Mulder

#106. This is Christophe De Mulder

March 3rd 2022

I loved chatting to the fab Christophe De Mulder for this week’s Podcast! Based in Belgium, Christophe was in our Top 50 Family Photographers Worldwide for 2020, and he shares *so* much on the episode today, including his approach from enquiry to delivery, our Netflix game, the benefits of silent cameras, why he likes to participate with his families to build trust and rapport, how he captured one of his specific Reportage Family Awards, and much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is ana backhaus

#104. This is Ana Backhaus

February 10th 2022

Ana Backhaus is my guest on the Podcast this week, and I loved talking to her – so open, warm, and just herself. Based in Dubai and originally from Lisbon, Portugal, Ana talks about her documentary family photography workflow and approach, how her past career as a flight attendant has had a big effect on her photography, how she captured one of her specific Reportage Family Awards, why it’s so important to be resilient, and so much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is jess lycoops

#102. This is Jess Lycoops

January 27th 2022

Loved talking to the fab Jess Lycoops for this week’s Podcast! Based in Denmark, Jess has been in our Top 100 Family Photographers Worldwide for the past two years in a row, and she talks about one of her Reportage Family Awards in the episode, as well as her favourite lens for documenting families, tips on enabling your families to be relaxed and themselves, advice for if you’re just starting out, and much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is the 100th special

#100. This is the 100th Special!

January 14th 2022

We’ve reached 100 episodes of the Podcast! To celebrate we’re giving away 10 This is Reportage: Family or This is Reportage memberships – worth £100 each – and we’ve also done a special ‘montage’ episode, featuring clips from over 30 of my past guests. There are two different ways to enter the contest (visit this episode’s page for all the details), and I hope you enjoy this look-back and thoughts from myself about 100 episodes of podcasting.


this is reportage podcast - this is joosje janssen

#99. This is Joosje Janssen

January 6th 2022

Happy New Year! And what a fab way to start 2022 by talking to the fantastic Joosje Janssen. Joosje was ranked in our Top 10 Netherlands Photographers of 2021, and she talks about a couple of her Awards on the episode today (her ‘child-in-a-rabbit-hutch’ image, and her childbirth story), as well as many other things, including how she became a family photographer, the importance of building connections, life during lockdowns, tips for improving your documentary skills, storytelling, narrative, and much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is sandra stokmans

#97. This is Sandra Stokmans

December 16th 2021

Recently announced in our Top 30 photographers in the world for 2021, it’s an absolute pleasure to talk to the Netherlands-based Sandra Stokmans on this week’s Podcast! Sandra shares so much, including how she approaches her day in the life shoots (and year in the life), her personal project about children with congenital heart defects, why it’s not just about capturing the happy times, the story behind one of her specific Reportage Family Awards, and more…


this is reportage podcast - this is Agata Szymanowicz

#95. This is Agata Szymanowicz

December 1st 2021

Winner of 10 Reportage Family Awards already, it was a real pleasure to chat to the fab Agata Szymanowicz on the podcast this week! Based in London, UK, Agata tells us the story behind a couple of her awards, we talk about why I think her website is so great, in-depth on how she approaches a family shoot, our Netflix synopsis game, life as a photographer during the pandemic, personal projects, and much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is laura beth davidson

#93. This is Laura Beth Davidson

November 19th 2021

Such a pleasure to talk to the fab USA-based Laura Beth Davidson this week! Laura Beth was in our Top 100 Photographers Worldwide here on This is Reportage: Family for 2020, and she shares *so* much in the episode today, including top tips for if you’re just starting out as a documentary family photographer, how she approaches a typical family shoot, her thoughts on Instagram captions, why she’s bad at ordering from Starbucks, behind the scenes of her powerful and emotive Family Story Award featuring her own daughter, Alice, and much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is marisa martins

#91. This is Marisa Martins

November 4th 2021

The super talented – and really lovely! – Marisa Martins is my guest on the Podcast this week, and she shares so much, including: The story behind one of her Reportage Family Awards (Marisa was in our Top 30 Documentary Family Photographers Worldwide for 2020), tips on getting families to be relaxed in your presence, DITL shoots, her collaboration with Canon, why you shouldn’t follow the crowd, and much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is lisa winner

#89. This is Lisa Winner

October 21st 2021

After a summer break, we’re so pleased to be back with the Podcast! Our first family episode after the break is with the brilliant Lisa Winner, who was in our Top 10 USA Photographers of 2020. She shares so much in this episode, including why she doesn’t want to create photos that look like everyone else’s, her personal projects on autism (which has just been published in National Geographic) and family caregiving, why personality is so important, vacation photography and more…


this is reportage podcast - this is barbara puchta

#87. This is Barbara Puchta

July 29th 2021

A delight to have interviewed Barbara Puchta for this week’s episode! Ranked 3rd in Germany here on TiR:F for 2020 – and joint 17th in the world – Barbara is an exceptional documentary family photographer, and she shares so much on the episode today, including how she captured one of her specific Reportage Family Awards, her mentoring and training partnership with Julia Rose-Greim, the importance of having your images critiqued, and so much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is Sara Paolucci

#85. This is Sara Paolucci

July 15th 2021

One of Italy’s best documentary family photographers, the fab Sara Paolucci is my guest on the Podcast this week! Sara was ranked in our Top 50 Photographers Worldwide for 2020, and has judged for us before; she really knows her stuff! Topics include why she’s not a fly on the wall, how she captured one of her Reportage Family Awards, vacation photography, top tips for if you’re just starting out, and much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is stephana ferrell

#83. This is Stephana Ferrell

July 1st 2021

Thoroughly enjoyed chatting to the fab Stephana Ferrell for this week’s Podcast, which is released on a bit of a special day for us: It’s our 1st Birthday! Stephana was ranked 6th in the US here on TiR:F for 2020, and she shares so much in the episode, including advice and tips on vacation photography, how she captured one of her specific Awards, escape rooms, transitioning to families from weddings, and so much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is Marieke Zwartscholten

#81. This is Marieke Zwartscholten

June 17th 2021

Marieke Zwartscholten is my guest on the Podcast this week; a brilliant Netherlands-based family and wedding photographer, with a real eye and passion for the documentary approach. She has won numerous awards for both her family and wedding work, and we talk about both in the episode today, along with subjects such as the importance of having your own family photographed, how she came to mentor and train others, her top tips, our Netflix game, and so much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is erica hawkins

#80. This is Erica Hawkins

June 10th 2021

Today’s episode deals with family photography and wedding photography, as Erica is accomplished in both arts: She was ranked 14th in the world here on This is Reportage: Family in 2020, and she’s also won numerous awards on our wedding site, too. Erica is so open and inspiring, talking about issues such as nerves and anxiety, documenting her own family during lockdowns, finding out she had cancer, imposter syndrome, achieving a gallery spot for the renowned Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize at the National Portrait Gallery and much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is gretchen yost

#78. This is Gretchen Yost

May 27th 2021

So much documentary family photography gold is shared in this week’s Podcast, as I chat to the fab Gretchen Yost. Based in the USA, Gretchen recently scooped 7 Awards from our most recent two Award Collections here on TiR:F, and she talks about exactly how she captured one of those on the episode, along with so much more, including her top tips for better documentary family photography coverage, personal projects, workshops, not owning a TV, and more…


This is reportage podcast - this is emma collins

#76. This is Emma Collins

May 13th 2021

The fab Emma Collins was my guest on the Podcast this week, and she has so many stories and bits of advice to share! Emma was our 3rd-ranked UK photographer here on TiR:F for 2020, and she tells us exactly how she captured one of her specific Reportage Family Awards in the episode, as well as her top tips for improving your documentary family photography skills, the experience of visiting the house where she was born, storytelling, patience, top Freinds episodes, and more…


this is reportage podcast - this is agueda sanfiz

#74. This is Águeda Sanfiz

April 29th 2021

So lovely to talk to the lovely Águeda Sanfiz for the Podcast today! Águeda recently won four Reportage Family Awards from us in a single Collection, which is incredibly impressive – and she talks about how she captured one of those specific Awards on the episode. She has also organised ‘Picture (im)Perfect’, which is an exhibition and book of documentary family photography – such an amazing thing to have done. We talk all about that, and so much more – including how she became a photographer, her top tips, why you don’t always have to shoot fully manual, and more – on the episode today.


this is reportage podcast - this is ralu chase

#72. This is Ralu Chase

April 15th 2021

I loved chatting to our UK top-ranked photographer of 2020, Ralu Chase, for episode 72 of the Podcast today! With 8 Reportage Family Awards and 2 Family Story Awards won in 2020, Ralu really knows her stuff – and she was just so lovely to talk to, too! Tune in as she tells us the story behind one of her specific Family Story Awards, her top tips for documentary family photography in general, our Netflix synopsis game, and so much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is elke van rulo

#70. This is Elke Van Rulo

April 1st 2021

So lovely to chat to Elke Van Rulo for episode 70 of the Podcast! Elke (recently ranked 5th in Belgium here on TiR:F for 2020) shares so many great bits of tips and advice today, including a very important thing to help build trust with your family clients, the experience of photographing her friend’s child’s birth, being in front of the camera for a change, day in the life sessions, and so much more…


This is reportage podcast - this is ang waterton

#68. This is Ang Waterton

March 18th 2021

Two Cornwalls, thousands of miles apart, are chatting together this week, as I speak to the very lovely Ang Waterton who is based in Cornwall, Canada (and I’m in Cornwall in the UK). Ang is a great family photographer who recently won 3 Family Story Awards from us in a single Collection – an amazing feat, which we talk about in the episode, as well as many other things, including the power of slideshows, trans-Atlantic marriages, what drew her to documentary family photography, top tips for just starting out in this field, and so much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is lisa hu chen

#66. This is Lisa Hu Chen

March 4th 2021

It was so lovely to chat to the fab Lisa Hu Chen for the podcast this week! Lisa ranked joint-4th in the USA here on This is Reportage: Family in 2020, and she’s already picked up more Awards from us in 2021. She shares so many great bits of advice and stories on the podcast today, including how she captured one of her specific Awards, her journey into becoming a professional photographer, tips on slowing down and making your clients feel at ease, 80’s films, and so much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is Nienke Koedijk

#64. This is Nienke Koedijk

February 18th 2021

A delight to chat to the fab Nienke Koedijk for the Podcast this week! Nienke’s ‘Unfreeze Yourself’ workshop has been a massive inspiration for family photographers all over the world during these coronavirus times – including many This is Reportage: Family members – and she shares *so* much today, including top tips for starting out in the family photography world, the story behind how her first project became a published book with national media exposure in the Netherlands, why it’s important to have your own family photographed, and so much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is louise van den broek

#62. This is Louise van den Broek

February 4th 2021

Super to chat to the lovely Louise van den Broek for our 62nd Podcast episode today! No. 2 in the Netherlands for 2020, and joint-6th in the world overall (with 9 Reportage Family Awards and a Family Story Award), Louise shares so much in this episode, including her top tips for documentary family photography, how she captures the whole gamut of life (from births, weddings, family, and even funerals), exactly how she captured two of her specific Awards, and more…



#60. This is Julia Rose-Greim

January 21st 2021

It was so great to chat to the wonderful Julia Rose-Greim for episode 60 of our Podcast! Julia was ranked 11th in the World here on This is Reportage: Family in 2020, and has a wealth of documentary family photography experience. Tune in today as Julia tells us exactly how she captured one of her Reportage Family Awards, her tips for better communication with clients, our Netflix synopsis game, photographing the same family over numerous years, and much, much more…


#58. Thoughts on 2020

December 17th 2020

It’s a first for the Podcast today, as I (Alan Law, founder of This is Reportage: Family & This is Reportage) am doing a solo episode! I apologise in advance if the thought of only hearing my voice is incredibly scary for you – and don’t worry, the interview format will be swiftly returning! – but if you are interested at all in my personal experiences from being a photographer myself this year, as well as my thoughts on running TiR & TiRF, and behind-the-scenes of the Podcast itself, that perhaps you’ll enjoy it…


this is reportage podcast - this is rowena meadows

#57. This is Rowena Meadows

December 10th 2020

Today’s Podcast episode is all about family photography, as we chat to the wonderful Rowena Meadows! Rowena is currently leading our worldwide ranking of family photographers (at the time this episode was recorded – with 11 Awards already), and she shares *so* much in this episode, including top tips for better coverage, how to get your families to quickly feel at ease in your presence, the story behind one of her specific Reportage Family Awards, and much, much more…


this is reportage podcast - this is katrin kuellenberg

#56. This is Katrin Küllenberg

December 3rd 2020

The brilliant Katrin Küllenberg is my guest on the Podcast today! Katrin has already won 7 Awards from us here at This is Reportage: Family (within just our first two Collections!) and she shares *so* much great advice today, including her top tips for better documentary family photography coverage, the experience of having her own family photographed, the story behind one of her specific Reportage Family Awards, and much more. Lots of family-specific content in this episode; hope you enjoy!


this is reportage podcast - this is liam shaw of york place studios

#55. This is Liam Shaw

November 26th 2020

A delight to have our original POTY from our sister-site for wedding photography, This is Reportage, on the Podcast today – the brilliant Liam Shaw of York Place Studios. As well as talking about his wedding work, Liam discusses how he shoots families in the exact same way – totally unposed – including how he shot a recent Podcast guest of ours, Alice Chapman’s, family. The tips Liam shares are universal for all types of documentary photography; an inspiration listen!


this is reportage podcast - this is tobias loehr

#54. This is Tobias Löhr

November 19th 2020

Today’s episode is with the fantastic Tobias Löhr, one of the best photographers in Germany. Although Tobias has done more weddings than family work – and so the episode contains more wedding issues – he also talks about photographing the birth of his own son (which you can see his Family Story of at the episode link). He also talks about travel photography, how he became a photographer in the first place, getting married in Vegas, and lots more…


this is reportage podcast - this is Sophie Callewaert

#53. This is Sophie Callewaert

November 12th 2020

Sophie is a family and wedding photographer from Belgium, and has won many awards for her fantastic work. She was *so* lovely to talk to, too! Tune in today as we discuss whether ‘destination family photographer’ is a real phrase, growing up in her family’s restaurant, the power of personal projects, tips for getting better at documentary work, and more…


this is reportage podcast - this is kristof claeys

#52. This is Kristof Claeys

November 5th 2020

Loved chatting to the great Kristof Claeys today. Kristof has already won 2 Reportage Family Awards and 2 Family Story Awards from us, and he talks about one of his specific Story Awards in the Podcast (the one with a cat in every frame!). As well as that, he discusses so much more, including great advice for documentary coverage, learning to fail, balancing life/work as a parent himself, how he began photographing families (and then weddings as well), and much more…


this is reportage pocast - this is alice chapman

#51. This is Alice Chapman

October 29th 2020

An honour to talk to the fab Alice Chapman for episode 51 of the Podcast today! Alice is currently the top-ranked UK photographer here at This is Reportage: Family, with 8 Awards won already over our first two Awards Collections. She shares so much with us in the episode, including her advice about trusting the documentary family photography process, how to prepare your clients for the way you work, thoughts on going mirrorless, what she learned from having her own family photographed, and much more…


els korsten this is reportage podcast

#48. This is Els Korsten

October 8th 2020

It was great to talk to the fab Els Korsten for the 48th episode of the Podcast. Based in the Netherlands, Els has already won 7 Reportage Family Awards and 2 Family Story Awards from us, and she shares so much, including doing ‘Day in the Life’ sessions on farms, the story behind her iconic child-and-cat-shadow Reportage Family Award, how to not be afraid of cows, and lots more…


anna hardy - this is reportage podcast

#45. This is Anna Hardy

September 17th 2020

So lovely chatting to the fab Anna Hardy! Anna was an original judge for us here at This is Reportage: Family, and she is also a hugely experienced educator in documentary family photography. She talks about her journey from weddings to family, why empathy is so vital when it comes to photographing families, advice on business and sales, skydiving, her reputation for being ‘a bit of a gannet’, and much more…


The above episodes all have a family photography podcast focus; if you want to hear every single episode of our Podcast (including ones with a wedding-focus) head over here.

Top photo by Pedro Vilela

family photography

Family photography


family photography

family photography

family photography

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